As summer holidays approach, the Australian National Maritime Museum is proud to be presenting a series of online water safety workshops for primary school aged children in partnership with the Royal Life Saving Society Australia.

These workshops are designed to teach important life skills for water safety all around Australia so that children can stay safe in pools, beaches, rivers, lakes or when going boating and more. Students will receive guidance on how to identify safety hazards, respond to imaginary scenarios, and understand how to keep themselves safe around water.
Conducted via Zoom so that students across Australia can be involved, these live workshops are interactive, and students are encouraged to actively participate and engage with the activities and topics of discussion.
Head of Education, Mathew Sloane, has said, ‘Water safety and awareness is a crucial life skill in Australia, where we are so fortunate to be surrounded by water. With such a wide variety of swimming abilities in the primary school aged children in Australia, it is imperative that they be equipped with the necessary knowledge to keep themselves safe around water. We’re thrilled to be partnering with the Royal Life Saving Society Australia to bring these important workshops to children across the country in time for summer.’
The workshops will take place at 2pm AEST on December 9 for years K-2 and 2pm AEST on December 10 for years 3-6.
For more information and to book, please visit:
For K-2: Be Water Smart – DART Learning
For Years 3-6: Be Water Smart – DART Learning